Explore different
characteristic of chain and independence restaurant
For ownership, the
chain restaurants are mostly belonging to the company or a corporation. The
owners of the restaurants are some stockholders and they do not usually get
involved to the daily operation. However, the independent restaurants are owned
by one or a group of people such as family business. And the owners will
usually get involved to the day to day operation.
For linkage, the
chain restaurants are different type of restaurants that owned by the same
company in the market concept, design, service, food and name. But the
independent restaurants do not affiliated with any national brands and names.
service and operation, the chain restaurants in different locations will have
the same menu, food, quality, level of service since the decision of the
operation are designed only by the top manager. The dependent restaurants
otherwise will have some more creative idea and menu in their restaurants since
the decision are made by the owner who will involve in the daily business day
to day.
For the risk level, the chain
restaurants usually has the lower risk level since it is belong to some large
scale of corporation. So, the chain restaurants have a larger segment location
of different brand of restaurants. So, their total sales revenue is much more
stable since even one of their restaurant profit drop another restaurant profit
may cover it up. However, the independent restaurant has a higher risk level. Since
it scale is small and it may only owner by one person, the economy depression
or just some little change may crush that business.
For management, chain restaurants have less
flexibility since the complexity and level of management, almost many decisions
are made by the top manager of the corporation. The front line and employee don’t
have the authority to make or change the decision. On other hand, the
independence restaurants have much more flexibility and creativity in managing
the restaurants. It is because the owner usually involved in the day to day
operation so he or she can change and make the decision immediately.